Item # 6090276

Item # 6090281

Item # 6090282

Sunset in the Delta

Lake with Swans

The Troika

Krif # 276 - Sunset in the Delta

Lake with Swans

The Troika

Canvas 23hpi - 13.5 x 18cm
Can be printed on any canvas to 24.5 x 36cm

Canvas 23hpi - 34 x 20.5cm

Canvas 23hpi - 34 x 16cm

Item # 6090291



Canvas 23hpi - 29.5 x 18cm

Item # 6090292

Item # 6090294

Item # 6090295

The Little Horse Medallion

The Colonel (Gainsborough)

Allegory on the River Bank

The Little Horse Medallion

The Colonel (Gainbourough)

Allegory on the River Bank

Canvas 23hpi - 12.5 x 19cm
Can be printed on any canvas to 24.5 x 36cm

Canvas 23hpi - 18 x 28cm
Can be printed on any canvas to 24.5 x 36cm

Canvas 23hpi - 33.5 x 27cm

Item # 6090313

Item # 6090315

The Arab Horseman

Oxen Cart in Winter

Krif # 313 - The Arab Horseman

Oxen Cart in Winter

Canvas 23hpi - 16 x 21cm
Can be printed on any canvas to 24.5 x 36cm

Canvas 23hpi - 32.5 x 25cm

Item # 6090322

The Little Bears Play (Shishkin)

The Umbrella

Canvas 23hpi - 27 x 18cm

Can be printed on any canvas to 24.5 x 36cm



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