Please add an E after the item number if you require the larger Aida canvas.

Item # 6090185
Item # 6090185E

Item # 6090186
Item # 6090186E

Item # 6090187
Item # 6090187E

The Pink Roses

Vase with Poppies

Roses with Buds

Krif # 185 - Trandafiri roz

Krif # 186 - Vas cu maci

Krif # 187 - Trandafiri cu boboci

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 19.86"

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 19.86"

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 19.86"

Item # 6090188
Item # 6090188E

Item # 6090189
Item # 6090189E


Vase with Wild Flowers

Krif # 188 - Trandafiri

Krif # 189 - Vas cu flori de camp

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 19.86"

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 19.86"

Item # 6090210
Item # 6090210E

Item # 6090211
Item # 6090211E

Item # 6090212
Item # 6090212E

Item # 6090213
Item # 6090213E

Japanese Stamp 1

Japanese Stamp 2

Japanese Stamp 3

Japanese Stamp 4

Krif # 210 - Japanese Stamp 1

Krif # 211 - Japanese Stamp 2

Krif # 212 - Japanese Stamp 3

Krif # 213 - Japanese Stamp 4

Canvas 23hpi - 3.9 x 12.77"
Aida 14hpi - 7.8 x 25.53"

Canvas 23hpi - 3.9 x 12.77"
Aida 14hpi - 7.8 x 25.53"

Canvas 23hpi - 3.9 x 12.77"
Aida 14hpi - 7.8 x 25.53"

Canvas 23hpi - 3.9 x 12.77"
Aida 14hpi - 7.8 x 25.53"

Item # 6090230
Item # 6090230E

Item # 6090231
Item # 6090231E

Item # 6090232
Item # 6090232E

Floral Arrangement

Still Nature with Fruit


Krif # 230 - Floral Arrangement

Krif # 231 - Still Nature with Fruit

Krif # 232 - Chrysanthemum

Canvas 23hpi - 8.87 x 10.64"
Aida 14hpi - 17.73 x 21.28"

Canvas 23hpi - 14.18 x 10.84"
Aida 14hpi - 28.37 x 21.67"

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 9.22"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 18.44"

Item # 6090233
Item # 6090233E

Item # 6090261
Item # 6090261E

Item # 6090287
Item # 6090287E

The Bible with Candles

Still Nature

Basket with Apples

Krif # 233 - The Bible with Candles

Krif # 261 - Still Nature

Krif # 287 - Basket with Apples

Canvas 23hpi - 5.91 x 8.67"
Aida 14hpi - 11.82 x 17.34"

Canvas 23hpi - 4.26 x 6.03"
Aida 14hpi - 8.51 x 12.06"

Canvas 23hpi - 10.64 x 8.16"
Aida 14hpi - 21.28 x 16.31" 

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