
Please add an E after the item number if you require the larger Aida canvas.

Item # 6090294
Item # 6090294E

Item # 6090636
Item # 6090636E

Item # 6090637
Item # 6090637E

The Colonel

Artist's Daughters

The Blue Boy

Krif # 294 - The Colonel (Gainsborough)

Krif # 636 - Artist's Daughters (Gainsborough)

Krif # 637 - The Blue Boy (Gainsborough)

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 10.99"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 21.99" 

Canvas 25hpi - 5.91 x 7.01"
Aida 12.5hpi - 11.82 x 14.03" 

Canvas 25hpi - 5.83 x 14.14"
Aida 12.5hpi - 11.66 x 28.29" 

Item # 6090638
Item # 6090638E

Item # 6090639
Item # 6090639E

Item # 6090640
Item # 6090640E

Mrs Graham

Shepherds with Dogs

Mrs Siddons

Krif # 638 - Mrs Graham (Gainsborough)

Krif # 639 - Shepherds with Dogs (Gainsborough)

Krif # 640 - Mrs Siddons (Gainsborough)

Canvas 25hpi - 10.99 x 14.18"
Aida 12.5hpi - 21.99 x 28.37" 

Canvas 25hpi - 10.99 x 15.64"
Aida 12.5hpi - 21.99 x 31.28" 

Canvas 25hpi - 5.91 x 7.88"
Aida 12.5hpi - 11.82 x 15.76" 

Item # 6090641
Item # 6090641E

Item # 6090642
Item # 6090642E

Item # 6090643
Item # 6090643E

Cottage Girl with Dog & Pitcher

Landscape with a Woodcutter

Blue Girl

Krif # 641 - Cottage Girl with Dog & Pitcher (Gainsborough)

Krif # 642 - Landscape with a Woodcutter (Gainsborough)

Krif # 643 - Blue Girl (Gainsborough)

Canvas 25hpi - 5.83 x 14.14"
Aida 12.5hpi - 11.66 x 28.29" 

Canvas 25hpi - 19.7 x 16.11"
Aida 12.5hpi - 39.4 x 32.23" 

Canvas 25hpi - 5.83 x 14.14"
Aida 12.5hpi - 11.66 x 28.29" 

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