Item # 7857790
Face Mask
Pack of 50 with a stiff, bendable edge to help mould the mask to your face.

Disposable 3 ply Face Mask

NZ$ 49.95

Item # 4970002
Turkey Soapstone kit
Turkey Soapstone Carving Kit

Contains pre-shaped Turkey in Soapstone (7 x 10cm), dust mask, two-sided rasp (to shape then add contours and texture) and 2 pieces of sandpaper to shape and finish.

NZ$ 95.40

Item # 158009 Item # 4971019
Raffler/ Rasp Set Rasp Set
8 piece Riffler/ Rasp Set

Ideal for working with bone or stone - the tools are double sided to give you 16 different angles and bits - 5.5 x 200mm.

NZ$ 99.95

6 piece Student Rasp Set

An ideal set of rasps for the student/beginner sculptor, these traditional Italian-style rasps are made for stone, wood, and plaster. Each tool is made from high carbon steel with cutting teeth on both sides. Each rasp end has a distinct cutting shape providing a variety of unique cutting and rasping results. Sizes range between 7 1/2" and 11 1/2".

Free fright, NZ$ 147.90

Item # 4970001 Item # 4970102 Item # 4970112 Item # 4970117
Deluxe Carving Set #1 Sraight Chisel - 1/4" Chip Carving Knife - K112 Chip Carving Knife - K117
Deluxe Carving Set #1 Straight Chisel - 1/4" Chip Carving Knife - K112 Chip Carving Knife - K117
This complete set is ideal for whittling and carving animals, bird decoys or for fine detail.  Also includes a whittling knife, hand-made fine tooth rasp and sharpening knife. Complete 15-piece set comes in a canvas roll.

Indent only - Free fright, NZ$ 495.00

This tool, with a straight cutting edge of 1/4" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape so the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This knife is ideal for whittling and chip carving. Approximate length - 7 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This knife is ideal for whittling and chip carving. Approximate length - 7".

Contact us for pricing.

Item # 4970133 Item # 4970202 Item # 4970302
Wood Carver's Adz #2 Skew Chisel - 1/4" #3 Straight Gouge - 1/4"
Wood Carver's Adz #2 Skew Chisel - 1/4" #3 Straight Gouge -1/4"

This adz, used to reduce geometric areas from large pieces of wood, has a 1 3/4" cutting edge and a 1 3/8" curved bit. Approximate length - 11 3/4".

Contact us for pricing.

This tool, with a diagonal cutting edge of 1/4" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape so the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This tool, with a curved cutting edge of 1/4" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape so the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

Item # 4970702 Item # 4971001 Item # 4971006
#7 Straight Gouge - 1/4' Stone Carver's Set Rasp Knife - 6"
#7 Straight Gouge - 1/4" Professional Stone Carver's Set Knife Rasp - 6"

This tool, with a curved cutting edge of 1/4" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape s the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This set includes the complete line of stone carving tools needed to accomplish any task in any type of stone.  Comes in a canvas roll.
This set includes : 4 tooth chisels, 2 points, 3 flat chisels, 2 speciality chisels, 1 rasp and a 2.5lb hammer. Made in the USA.

Free Freight, NZ$ 743.50

This 6-inch Italian knife rasp, superbly hand-cut, is a tooth rasp rounded on one end and shaped like a knife blade on the other. .

Contact us for pricing.

Item # 4971020 - Italian Steel Rasp / Riffler, approx. 11.5"
R20 Large Italian Rasp Closeup
Approx 11.5"

NZ$ 98.20


Item # 497103x - Italian Steel Rasps / Rifflers
Italian Steel Rasps R33 - approx 7"
R35 - approx 7"

These imported Italian rasps are made for work on wood, stone, metal and plaster.
Click picture for enlarged images.

Contact us for pricing.


Item # 497104x - Italian Steel Rasps / Rifflers
Italian Steel Rasps R49 - approx 6"
R55 - approx 6"
R66 - approx 6"
R67 - approx 6"
R78 - approx 6"

These miniature imported steel rasps for fine detail on wood, stone and plaster.
Click picture for enlarged images.

Contact us for pricing.


Riffler R184 - approx 6"
Riffler R194 - approx 7.25"
Item # 4971xxx - Italian Steel Rasps / Rifflers

Italian Hand Cut rasps with teeth of the finest calibre.  Steel of the highest quality to make a long wearing rasp.
Click picture for enlarged images.

Contact us for pricing.



Hand Forged Stone Carving Chisels are  forged from high carbon steel and tempered for strength.

Item # 4973001 Item # 4973002 Item # 4973005 Item # 4973007
4 tooth stonecarving chisel 5 tooth stonecarving chisel large point stonecarving chisel small point stonecarving chisel
SC1 - 4 tooth Chisel

Indent only

Free freight, NZ$ 66.80

SC2 - 5 tooth Chisel

Indent only

Free freight, NZ$ 66.80

SC5 - Large Point Chisel

Indent only

Free freight, NZ$ 63.60

SC7 - Small Point Chisel

Indent only

Free freight, NZ$ 57.90


Item # 49730xx - Hand Forged Stone Carving Chisels
Stone Carving Chisels SC9 - Rondel Chisel
SC11 - Caped Chisel
SC13 - Small Flat Chisel
SC14 - Medium Flat Chisel

Forges by craftsmen, these professional tools  are made of the finest steel, tempered for marble, limestone and sandstone.  The tempered cutting edges last and last.  For this reason professional carvers prefer these tools.

Contact us for pricing.


Item # 4974101 Item # 4974102 Item # 4975017
Straight Parting Tool #41 - 1/8" Straight Parting Tool #41 - 1/8" Stone Carving Hammer
Straight Parting Tool #41 - 1/8" Straight parting Tool # 41 - 1/4" Stone Carving Hammer 1.5lb

This tool, with a deep vee cutting edge of 1/8" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape so the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This tool, with a deep vee cutting edge of 1/4" from tip to tip, is made from high carbon steel and tempered to a range approximately .59 to .62 on the Rockwell Black Diamond hardness testing device. The handle is attached securely to the blade and is octagonal in shape so the tool will not twist or turn while carving. Approximate length with blade: 9 1/2".

Contact us for pricing.

This stone carving hammer is made of soft iron so the percussion is easier on stone, the carving tool and the sculptor. This 1 1/2 lb. hammer is used for most common types of carving. The tool of choice. Approximately 8 3/4".

Contact us for pricing.


Item # 49760xx - Miniature Stone Tools
Miniature Stone Tools M1 - 2 tooth Chisel approx 8"
M2 - 3 tooth Chisel
Approx length - 8" Cutting Edge -1/2"
M3 - 4 tooth Chisel
Approx length - 8" Cutting Edge - 3/4"
M4 - 5 tooth Chisel
Approx length - 8" Cutting Edge - 3/4"
M14 - Flat Chisel
Approx length - 8" Cutting Edge -1/2"

Each individual tool made of 1095-C high carbon steel with unique cutting design for small detail work in marble, alabaster and soapstone.  Hand Forged and hand ground by craftsmen.

Contact us for pricing.


Item # 4976031 Item # 4977006 Item # 4979878
Miniature Stone Tool Set Round Rasp with Handle - 6" Shellac
Miniature Stone Tool Set Round Rasp with Handle - 6"

Shellac  4979878B - 1 pint
                4979878C - 1 quart

The complete line of handmade carbon steel miniature stone tools for carving small sculpture and detail work.  Set packaged in Canvas Roll.  Set includes: 4 tooth chisels, 3 flat chisels, 1 gouge, 2 specialty tools, 1lb Hammer.

Contact us for pricing.

Superbly hand-cut Italian round rasp. Has a 6" rasp; with handle measures approximately 11".

Contact us for pricing.

Smooth flowing, highest quality shellac. Used in mould making and casting as a coating material (separator) when a modelling material containing sulphur has been used. Also used as a sealer in mould making.  Flammable.

Contact us for pricing.


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